Thinking Positively Takes Practice
Thinking positively is impossible to do all the time. However, it is possible to do more of it than you might think- too! Before we get into the seven questions from players, we’ll share two positive thinking tips. The first way to develop a more positive disposition is to use “reframing.” It’s easy to dwell on the negative. We’ve been conditioned to that angle. Reframing allows you to look at things from another angle – the positive. It doesn’t mean that negative news or situations will turn happy. It just means dwelling on the positive versus the negative will come into play.
For example, Sally’s company just laid her and 400 other workers off. Reframing could be any number of positive thinking practices or actions, including the thought, “I’ve been meaning to update my resume; this motivates me to do so.” The focus shifted to something positive.
Scheduling Worry Time. Not Even Kidding!
How much worrying do you do a day? Don’t worry — we have the answer. On average, people worry about four times a day. That’s 112 times a month. Worse is that 90% of that worry centers on worst-case scenarios and doom and gloom diagnoses that will never come true. Like negative thinking, not worrying is also impossible to do. So, continue to worry! However, schedule that worry. Like, block out 10 – 12 minutes a day where you do nothing in that short time except worry. Three things will happen:
- Your brain will stop hijacking so much of your time throughout the day.
- You won’t feel anxious, sad, or hopeless nearly as much.
- You’ll soon recognize how much of that worry was senseless.
Now, let’s see what advice is coming from our players.
Evan Fowler | Player
Q: What specific thing(s) do you do to stay positive and why do you think your method works?
A: Play music. Music has been a part of my life since I was an infant. It’s a good outlet and form of expression for me, psychologically. It works because music is connected to our being.
Q: What have you learned about yourself or about life in your time playing in CLUBWAKA?
A: It’s easier to socialize with people than I thought. Everyone is very friendly!
Q: When was the last time someone unexpectedly did something nice for you? What was it and how did it make you feel?
A: My partner unexpectedly made me dinner last night, it made me feel loved.
Q: CLUBWAKA is a social club. What has your experience been with having a group of friends bonding through sports each week?
A: It’s actually a really great way to bond with people because you have to learn how to rely on them as a teammate and socially as a friend. It makes getting to know people a little bit easier, too, since we are all doing the same thing. There’s a point of common interest.
Q: We’ve all had moments when life gets us down. What unique or unforgettable advice were you given during a rough patch?
A: My friend at work has a banner at work above her desk that says, “You’ll think of something.” I really love it, because it shows you that even if you don’t have the answer at the moment – if you believe in your abilities, you’ll come up with something.
Q: What do you do each day to bring joy to your life? How do you spread joy to others? Be specific.
A: Music – play, listen, think about music. Playing, staring at guitars, fiddling with synthesizers, perusing through somebody’s album collection, I could go on. I don’t take life too seriously, and I think it’s important to make other people laugh. I especially like making other people laugh.
Q: Share any blogs, book titles, or other interesting sources of inspiration you look to on a regular basis.
A: Shambhala Sun or Tricycle. They’re Buddhist magazines. Carl Sagan’s stand-up comedy.